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How do I export my Discord messages?
How do I export my Discord messages?

NOTE: You can only export your Discord data once a month!

In the desktop app

  1. Login to Discord.
  2. Go to User Settings by clicking the cog in the bottom left.
  3. Click Privacy & Safety in the left navigation pane
  4. Scroll down to the Request all of my Data section
  5. Select and submit Request all of my Data
  6. Check your email account for your data from Discord (this can take days to arrive)
  7. You will receive a zip folder called Extract the contents of this file.
  8. Open the messages folder
  9. In here you will find lots of folders with names like "c697887943536148514". Unfortunately there is no way of knowing which is the one you want. You have to open each one and open the messages.json file in that folder to determine which is the right chat.
  10. Once you have that file, upload the messages.json file to our site and you're done :)

In the mobile app

  1. Open Discord App
  2. Click 'You' in the bottom left
  3. Go to User Settings by clicking the cog in the top right.
  4. Click Privacy & Safety in the navigation pane
  5. Scroll down to the Request all of my Data section
  6. Select and submit Request all of my Data
  7. Check your email account for your data from Discord (this can take days to arrive)
  8. You will receive a zip folder called Extract the contents of this file.
  9. Open the messages folder
  10. In here you will find lots of folders with names like "c697887943536148514". Unfortunately there is no way of knowing which is the one you want. You have to open each one and open the messages.json file in that folder to determine which is the right chat.
  11. Once you have that file, upload the messages.json file to our site and you're done :)

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